World class fishing is right down the street from the bed and breakfast with lots more a short drive away. Please make sure you have your fishing license and fish in season. Wilmington runs the Two-Fly Challenge every year in May. Watch for it and book early.
Two-Fly Challenge
A three day event, the Challenge celebrates the joy of fishing, spirit of sportsmanship. Watch for details here: Ausable Two-Fly Challenge.
Get Your Fishing License
Get yourself set up before you come. The DEC has in-person, online and phone options for getting your license. Get details here: NYS DEC.
Hungry Trout Fly Shop
Evan, over at the Hungry Trout Fly Shop, has helped Buck a lot with his fishing this season! He’s been fishing the water around Wilmington and the Bed and Breakfast all his life! He knows his way around. FB Page for the Fly Shop